Mini mac for home studio
Mini mac for home studio

mini mac for home studio

Version 2 supports multi-tracking up to eight tracks, which should be enough to get you started recording. GarageBand, which comes with the iLife '05 suite on the mini. We're going to go with the obvious and free choice, here: This article is here to help get you started! Style of music you primarily make, how many instrumentalists you need to record (if any), the size of your room, and soįorth. Ultimately decide on depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is how much you can afford to spend: what You can pick and chooseĪmong some of the components we cover here, or search for others that fit your particular needs. How-to, there is more than one way to skin a mini. Keep in mind that, much like the Mac mini media center

mini mac for home studio

#Mini mac for home studio how to#

Would-be bedroom producers gather 'round and we'll talk about some of the essentials you'll need, plus how to get started recording and mixing tracks.

mini mac for home studio

Today we'll talk about yet another of the many tasks you could devote your Mac mini to: the home recording studio. Gone are the days of needing hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up a studio to produce your own tracks a decent digital audio workstation can now be set up for comparatively ridiculously low cost. But better yet - one thing you can just never teach your TiVo is how to be a music production station. So we know that everybody, their sister and their cousin, too are working on how to use the Mac mini in a home theater setup (we are not immune!).

Mini mac for home studio